moribound cover


Written by Jhea Buela • Board by John Ivan Pasion | 29 February 24

hold my fingers

like loose threads

that ache to be pulled.

unravel me

until i am delicate 

enough to be torn.

clench me 

into your hands

when you ache

until i am darkened

with creases.

wipe me the tears 

from your lost plans

and the laundry dew

on your hands

- you are a rainforest,

my scent

that lulls you to sleep.

allow me to be

the mosaic of you,

a patchwork of

your childhood quilts

and the dreams

you’ve once built.

for you,

i will exist

and shrivel

in frays.

only i pray,

you won’t take me off

because of

someone else’s warmth.